North Clark County Most Wanted List

hey! sharing is caring :)

Fight Hunger. Feed Hope.

“No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.” ~John Ruskin (1819-1900).

You CAN make a difference! The North County Food Bank is having a food drive going on now until December 31; whether it’s one can, or a whole case, you can help make a difference to the hungry in Clark County!

Gateway Medical (2621 NE 134th Street, Vancouver) and the Holiday Inn Express in Salmon Creek (13101 NE 27h Ave) are currently collecting food donations through December 31 for the North County Food Bank. Here is a list of some of the most needed items: canned vegetables, canned fruit, pasta, canned tomatoes, baked beans, soups, pasta sauce, peanut butter, tuna, rice, macaroni & cheese, oatmeal, jelly, boxed meals, pet food, shampoo, laundry soap, and toilet paper.

For more information, call the North County Food Bank at 360.687.5007. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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