Backyard Bounty Comes to Oscar’s

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Taste the Difference for Yourself.

Beginning June 29, 2012, Oscar’s Market, located at 4901 Northeast Saint Johns Road, will carry fresh, Clark County-grown produce from the Backyard Bounty Co-op. To celebrate this new partnership, Backyard Bounty Co-op will host a produce tasting station on June 29th from 3 to 6 p.m. All are invited to drop by to taste, mingle, and meet the farmers.

Backyard Bounty Co‐op is a Clark County marketing co‐op that empowers small‐scale growers to sell their produce, nursery stock, and other farm products through local venues such as farmers markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. The group  operates by sharing marketing, logistical, and administrative responsibilities among  members, with an ethos that emphasizes community and values the “triple bottom  line.”  In addition to supporting its members’ farming enterprises, the Co‐op has a  strong commitment to a sustainable local food economy and strives to support  healthy, vibrant communities.

That’s why the group was so pleased to partner with Oscar’s Market. “Over the past  30 years small neighborhood stores have primarily become places to stop for soda  pop, beer and cigarettes,” says Warren Neth, a Backyard Bounty Co‐op grower‐ member.  “It’s great to have neighborhood grocery stores like Oscar’s Market who are adding fresh produce options.”

Oscar’s Market joins other businesses on the forefront of a national trend to re‐ purpose neighborhood grocery stores, Neth explains.  These repurposed corner  stores offer healthy food options within easy walking distance of homes and  neighborhoods, making good food more accessible and helping build livable  communities. Backyard Bounty Co‐op and Oscar’s Market are excited to work  together to bring these benefits to Clark County residents.

For more information, visit Urban Abundance, or contact Warren Neth at 360-771-1296.

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