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Getting Ready for Vancouver USA Marathon 2013.

The Third Annual Vancouver USA Marathon will take place on Sunday, June 16, 2013…but What? is going on now!

What is What? you ask? Well, it’s a monthly group run with other folks who are getting ready for the Vancouver USA Marathon. “We at VUM want to give back to our community, and this is our promo run with a twist! Talk to the Race Director, run, ask questions, and find out about what makes Vancouver so great~ Remember, first 10 People to show up and sign in, receive a VUM Training Shirt! Everyone will receive a free beverage on VUM, special happy hour pricing, and other great raffle prizes donated by our amazing sponsors.” ~Vancouver USA Marathon (VUM)

The restaurants and routes change each month; but expect to meet the third Wednesday of the month and run about a 3-6 miles (depending on your level, there is usually a short run and a long run). The run starts at 6:30 pm, but peeps who really want a free t-shirt start showing up around 5. :)

Here is the schedule for the remaining What? events:

April 17, 2013: The Grant House (1101 Officers Row)
May 22, 2013: TBD

For more information, visit the Vancouver USA Marathon website or visit Vancouver Marathon on Facebook (and hey, don’t forget to visit Clark County Live! on Facebook, too :) )

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